If you think that your credit score was reported incorrectly, you may wish to file a complaint. 

A request for a correction of a credit score should be considered to be a complaint.  If you are requesting a revision of your credit score, please note that you may wish to file a complaint, in writing, within 30 days of the collection of your credit score. 

When submitting your complaint, please state clearly the reason or reasons for requesting a correction of a credit score.  Any documentation you may wish to refer to, in support of your complaint, is to be attached to your written complaint.

You may forward your complaint to us in one of two ways:

  • Send your complaint via email, on [email protected], attaching any supporting documentation, or
  • Send a written complaint via post.  In this case, kindly mail your complaint to:

The Complaints Officer

Malta Credit Bureau Limited

Mdina Bastions, Block D, Office 1

New Street off Triq Mikielang Sapiano

Zebbug ZBG 1870

We inform you that the written information or documents that you are making available to us, in respect of your complaint, may be shared with the Central Bank of Malta and with any local bank.

In your correspondence with us, when registering your complaint, please include the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your address
  • Your Identity Card Number
  • Your date of birth
  • A detailed explanation of what you feel is inaccurate in your credit scoring report, and the reason why.

The next steps

Upon receiving your complaint in writing, we will contact the provider of your information and carry out our investigation.

Once we receive your complaint, in writing, please allow up to 30 days to allow us to process your dispute. We will then notify you of the results. 

Where we establish that the incorrect information included in the disputed credit score, concerns credit information sourced from the Central Credit Register (the Register) held at the Central Bank of Malta, we shall advise you to request an extract of the relevant information from the Central Bank, in accordance with Article 8(7) of the Central Bank of Malta Directive 14.

Kindly note that we are not responsible for amending or rectifying any incorrect information held at the Register within the Bank, since this is the remit of credit institutions.

Where it is identified that the credit score being disputed had been issued on the basis of incorrect credit information, a new and revised credit score will be provided to you within two working days from the conclusion of the investigation.

We will forward to you our Complaints Policy upon request!