How could creditors benefit from the services of Malta Credit Bureau?

The credit score would help your decision-making process when analysing whether to grant/extend-credit to a prospective customer and the  credit terms to be offered.  It would also gauge the creditworthiness of your existing clients.

MCB can help other organisations too….

MCB can assist any company, offering trade credit, in its decision about the granting of such credit. Typical examples include:

  • Automotive dealerships
  • Yacht agents
  • Telecommunication companies (including the provision of fixed and mobile phone lines, internet services and cable TV)
  • Insurance companies
  • Furniture retailers
  • Retailers of white goods and products for home use (TV, household appliances, electronic goods and the like)
  • Retailers of IT products
  • Retailers of bathroom supplies
  • Vendors of lifts and escalators
  • Vendors of photovoltaic panels
  • Suppliers to supermarkets and the grocery trade
  • Jewellers

The list goes on and on.  Creditors use credit scores to immediately help them determine the creditworthiness of the prospective/existing customers. This helps them to receive prompt payment, securing cash flow and peace of mind.